Baker Modern Green Marble Clover Side Table
$995.00$82.00 -
Brian Ferris Studio Sculptural Side Table
$2,500.00$90.00 -
Bronze And Granite Top Table Cedric Hartman
$3,800.00$82.00 -
Dickinson Plaster Drape Side Tables or Dining Table Bases – a Pair
$3,200.00$94.00 -
Drueke Solid Walnut and Birch Parquetry Double Sided Games Table
$1,495.00$87.00 -
Early 20th Century Vintage Italian Inlaid Game Table
$2,400.00$99.00 -
Eero Saarinen for Knoll Tulip Occasional Table, C. 1960s
$3,000.00$85.00 -
English Antique Regency Games Table
$16,320.00$88.00 -
Federal Style Mahogany Game Table
$3,500.00$85.00 -
French Checkers Table, 1960s
$807.00$80.00 -
French Hand Painted Table
$1,295.00$81.00 -
Gabby Bellany Side Table
$1,265.00$95.00 -